We're here so people and business win together.
At Aristotle Performance we empower organizations to develop high-performing, resilient cultures to succeed in an increasingly unpredictable environment.
We’re a data-driven, people-focused consultancy with an emphasis on developing Psychological Safety through scalable training solutions.
The Way we See it
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts is more than just a quote - it is a core belief.
We have seen first hand that our diversity of thought and experience makes us stronger. We have seen that curiosity is the greatest teacher and that stories define the world we live in. We find joy in our work, joy in our lives and love to experience all that life has to offer.
We believe a more human workplace is possible. We are on a mission to change how organizations see their people.
Getting to know us
The Aristotle team is comprised of thinkers, creators and leaders who help to shape the future of organizations and teams around the world.
Our guiding principals
Psychological safety is the foundation
To increase belonging, well-being and retain talent, Psychological Safety needs to be established and nurtured. But, it's not the end. We know that what comes next is just as important. Learning, accountability, team relationships and context all drive the innovation, performance and growth that is possible in a learning organization.
Team culture is key
We experience works at the team level. Those relationships matter and research continues to tell us that the team is where performance happens. We aim to create relationships and processes that have the health of the team at heart.
Leaders are the heart
Leaders are at the center of our experience at work and can have more impact on our health than a doctor. The journey to leadership can be a hard one and we want to ensure that leaders are able to receive training, lead authentically and live up to their potential.
We have a responsibility
We believe that it is our responsibility to ask the right questions, to get to the heart of our client’s challenges, and to find creative solutions that lead to sustainable change.